In how many ways do you use your kitchen? These days, the kitchen is not just a place to cook. It has become the hub of the home. The place where everyone congregates and even in the smallest of kitchens, the functions are much more varied and interspersed with everyday life than they have ever been before. You may never have thought how replacement kitchen doors could actually allow your kitchen to become more than it currently is. But we think we have some great ideas that will make your kitchen the favourite room in the whole house.

All homes deserve a kitchen that fulfils more than one function
All homes deserve a kitchen that fulfils more than one function

The place you cook

Well, this is very obvious. But with the addition of some very useful cupboards that are easy to keep clean, full of character, hard wearing and nice to look at, you could find yourself actually cooking in your kitchen much more than you do right now. Many people express frustration at their kitchen layout. About how tired and dated it looks and how they don't really like it. So a spruce up with new replacement doors could really bring it back to life. And get you whipping up culinary masterpieces once more.

The place you eat

Even a small kitchen can have an eating nook or a breakfast bar. It is simply a case of creating an extended worktop with a cupboard or two underneath. For larger kitchens you can enjoy having an entire dining area which could include sideboards and storage areas made from replacement kitchen doors that match your units.

The place you relax

It might seem like sacrilege, but many people now have televisions in their kitchens. People are simply so relaxed in this environment and so happy with the feeling they have created that they want to build a family or personal space where they can relax with a cuppa over their favourite TV program. You could build a wall unit designed to house your television. Add shelving for books and a soft seating area with a sofa or armchair. Then you can really enjoy your kitchen all day long.

The place you work

Working from home has increased in popularity in recent years. Many freelancers, mumprenuers and sofa surfers are working from the table or even perching themselves with a laptop at the kitchen counter. Your kitchen could easily become a useful, quiet and spacious study area. Dedicate one or two kitchen cabinets for work equipment. Use the internal shelving for books, pens, papers and even gadgets like computers, printers and scanners. Being able to close the kitchen doors on all this stuff at the end of your work day is invaluable for your peace of mind.

The place for the whole family

Rather than just coming together for dinner time (and let's face it that can be a rarity sometimes) it is important to have a place in the house where everyone is welcome at any time of the day. The kids may sit at the breakfast bar doing their homework. Dad can be cooking dinner. Mum might watch the news while the kids fill the dishwasher. Or Dad might catch up on some work while Mum and the kids argue over the latest batch of cupcakes.

Your kitchen should be a place for the whole family. Somewhere that is brought together by a cohesive interior design and where you feel relaxed, clean, fresh and bright. All things that can be achieved by adding high quality replacement kitchen doors.