Now that you’re planning on revamping your kitchen, getting replacement kitchen doors and making your cooking space look beautiful, don’t forget the lighting. It’s an essential detail which, at the flick of a switch, can totally change the mood of a room. Forget harsh strip lights and create a lighting scheme which is both useful and atmospheric. Also there are some incredible replacement doors which will really show off your lighting to its best effect.

White cabinets are a great way to inject light into the room, but don't forget lighting too.

Of course, in a kitchen it’s important to have good lighting so that you can see exactly what you’re doing when you’re cooking. Grated fingers instead of carrots is never a pretty addition to a dish. Make sure that you place lights above work surfaces. You can install them below your overhanging cupboards to both focus the light source and keep them unobtrusive when not in use. The type of light you are looking for is a tube light that is encased in a box shade. They come in different lengths, so work out how long you need it to be. The best way to install them, of course, is to plan where you need them and get a registered electrician to wire them in.

If you’re on a budget, however, you can get plug in lights which you can simply screw to the wall. You can then train the flex along the corner of the wall and the unit, out of sight, until you get to a plug socket.

Practical lighting out of the way, you can get onto the fun part! You want to aim for at least three sources of light in any room, to create a layered effect. Spot lights are great to highlight your kitchen cupboard doors. Try training your spotlights on one of our colourful high gloss doors - particularly Legato Ultragloss Baltic Blue. The light will dance across the surface and look fantastic.

If you have a little alcove or an end unit, or you've picked glass doors, make an arrangement of your favourite kitchen items and position a tiny round spot light above or below them. You can get battery operated flat, round lights for exactly this purpose. You can just click on and off again when you want to add some drama to the room. Alternatively, just angle a lamp to shine in the right direction.

Speaking of lamps, position a couple around the room to add a diffused ambience. A floor standing uplighter will add a gentle wash of light to walls. One of our favourite cheap, cheerful and extremely pretty answers is to twine loops of fairy lights around a room. Try putting them above kitchen units and on shelves. A flick of a switch lights dark corners and adds a twinkly atmosphere.

Candles arranged around the kitchen add a similarly romantic, quirky tone. A quick warning though. Don’t put tea lights or candles on unprotected surfaces as they can get really hot and burn little circles on your lovely new work tops. And don’t position them under shelves, as again, you might find heat or smoke damage to the underside of the shelf. Speaking of worktops, don't forget that highly reflective options such as the Gloss Iris in white will really highlight your lighting choices.

Finally, think about your main lighting. If you've positioned work lights, your main light isn't for seeing the finer details, but again for comfort and effect. If you’re feeling dramatic, how about a chandelier? You can get them in lots of sizes. They can really help to bring a sense of grandeur, drama and scale to a room. For something more modest, a pendant light is perfect. Enclosed, pearlised glass ones look great and give a gentle glow. Or, you can look at vintage light shades from local antique markets. Make sure the attachments match your modern light fittings.

Whatever lighting scheme you choose, remember that eco friendly LED light bulbs now come in a variety of wattages and warm colours. Choosing a kitchen that saves the earth, saves you money, and looks amazing? We’d say that’s a triple win.